Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thomas Jeremiah

Here is adorable Thomas Jeremiah, just a month old! Poor baby was cranky for awhile... until the room warmed up... but still cute as ever!

Special thanks to all the people whose stuff we used without their knowledge for the photo shoot: Kirsten, for your blankets that we pulled off your bed and your boots, Melissa for your blankets; your handiwork on the internet for the world to see! Also of potential interest to some, the suitcases were my grandfather's and have his initials engraved on the front. The dark blue fabric was my team flag from winter camp... Dale might not approve, but it is a champion flag after all...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Winter Camp

This 2011/2012 winter camp was different, for sure... I loved it. I only had eight kids on my team and we totally dominated all the games and won the esteemed George Gardner Commemorative Cup! The downside of having a small team... there's a lot of root beer left in the cup when it gets to the end of the line, but I did it, I drank every last drop!

Here are some pictures. Angela took the one of me and my team and Kirsten took the one of Kody yelling. Thanks ladies! Thanks Fighters, you were all Uncommonly Relentless!